Boxes and Classes

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May 032015

A year ago I found myself in a place where I was repeating the same items over and over, trying to make things just for art shows, and feeling a bit bored (unusual for me) with pottery.  To remedy the situation, I enrolled in a couple of ceramics classes at the local JC and spent Saturdays in class instead of at the studio.  With a fantastic instructor and a great studio, I was able to focus on new techniques without any pressure for deadlines.

As I seem to have time for only either learning or producing, I haven’t made much more than the class assignments and with only 2 weeks of class left, I am eager to get back into the studio at IFAC and start making some fun pieces with my newly acquired skills.  I come away with the following thoughts:

  • I really don’t enjoy sitting at a booth selling pieces at a public fair/event.  People are looking for bargains and I would rather give a piece to a friend than sell it for less than it is worth. So I just won’t do them as a rule.  Etsy, here I come.
  • I also have enough deadlines in my real life to not need the added pressure to produce for a show.  So ditto the first point.
  • Because I do enjoy sharing pieces and need to continually clean out my inventory, I will focus instead on making items for good causes.  Dog bowls for the local shelter, “fancy” stuff for fundraising events for groups that I am involved in.
  • Getting the garage cleaned up for a home studio is now very high on my priority list!

With all of this in mind, here are photos of a few pieces that I made for class this spring.  I hope you like them as much as I do.

2015-05-02 13.45.19

2015-05-02 13.49.01

2015-04-04 15.18.4611081493_10206077184229890_1354434655982925775_n2015-05-02 13.48.172015-05-03 15.36.432015-05-004

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Feb 042015

2015!  Time to catch up a bit.  Posting photos of some of my work from 2014.  Busy with my real job but I did make time for a class where I learned more than I produced.  I didn’t seem to take many photos last year, but will get back on track in 2015.

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My Day Job

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Dec 282013

SideDoor Design StudioI know, it is hard to believe that my sporadic efforts in clay do not pay the rent, no matter how passionate I am about it.

But – I am happy to announce that my new website is ready to go, looking forward to 2014 with this new business.

Please take a look and let me know what you think:

Thanks everyone and have a Happy New Year!

Midway through the Alphabet

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Dec 182013

At last, here are Leonard and Malcolm.  They sat in a kiln that broke down for a couple of weeks, so I was anxious to get them.  They already have a new home with a very good friend of mine.  Leonard is the one with a raised eyebrow.  Looking forward to finishing the alphabet when I get going again in 2014.  Next on the list – Noah.


Not all pigs say ‘oink’

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Dec 082013

Certainly not this cute little salt pig – ready to sit on the kitchen counter and make cooking more fun.

Celadon and white glazes on porcelain

Celadon and white glazes on porcelain



Super-Sized Saturday

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Jul 082013

Finally managed to fit in a studio day and threw large.  4 plates that may or may not be a set (we shall see!),  a medium sized bowl, and a large platter/serving plate.  All sitting in the green room now, slowly firming up for trimming later this week.  Some great glazing opportunities in my future…




Welcome to Mudscapes

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Apr 142013

Apologies for the look of the site as I’m trying to figure out how WordPress works.  Until then, for photos and updates, go to  To contact me, email kb@mudscapes (dot) com.


Updated 5/29:  I am slowly but surely getting this site figured out.  Have switched WordPress themes an finally got the header looking somewhat like I want it.  Now just need to get the gallery page thing sorted out.